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LETTER: Democrats all over the map about our border crisis

The roundup and deportation of approximately 2,000 illegal immigrants has begun. Predictably, left-wing Democrats are up in arms at the “injustice” of this event.

In just a few months, the rhetoric from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her party has gone from, “There is no border crisis,” to, “The crisis is manufactured by President Donald Trump.” Now it’s, “OK, there is a real crisis, but it’s Mr. Trump’s fault.” Next, Mr. Trump is treating the illegals “inhumanely” by holding them for too long while they await legal review of their cases. Now, Mr. Trump is accused of somehow breaking the law by actually enforcing the law.

The Democrats are beside themselves with marches in the street and liberal governors and mayors ordering their police not to cooperate. Even politicians such as Pelosi (third in line for the presidency) are openly telling illegals to essentially ignore valid court orders.

So what have we learned? The Democrat (Socialist) Party has now gone full circle and finally tipped its hands. The final straw rests with the courts ordering these deportations and the Democrats’ open opposition to enforcing these laws. In other words, “open borders.” Get across the border, ignore our laws and court orders and enjoy your stay forever.

As a nation, we should show compassion. I don’t really blame many of the immigrants for wanting to take advantage of the broken border policies created by our inept, hypocritical and self-serving members of Congress.

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