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LETTER: Congress must move to impeach President Donald Trump

I am a Nevada voter, and I’m outraged that Congress has failed to take decisive action to hold President Donald Trump accountable for obstruction of justice, even though the Mueller report makes it clear that only Congress can take action.

Mr. Trump believes he is above the law, and his actions are proof of it. There are at least 10 offenses in the Mueller report showing obstruction of justice. Why is Congress waiting to take action? Trump has defied subpoenas and ordered aides not to appear before Congress — but because he cannot be indicted as a sitting president, an impeachment inquiry must begin now.

Meanwhile as we delay, Mr. Trump and his unlawful cohorts continue to spin lies. The more time that passes, the more Mr. Trump’s egregious behavior moves out of the public consciousness. We must implore Congress to act so that American citizens become aware of the harm that this corrupt president has done by lying and continuing to lie to us.

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