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LETTER: Catherine Cortez Masto will always be a supporter of illegal immigrants

Referring to the Sunday letter to the Review-Journal from Ellen Shaw on this subject, it should have been immediately obvious that U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto is a strong supporter of illegal immigration with total disregard for American citizens.

She won the election primarily on the basis of the support of open border advocates so this is her bill to override the president’s executive order on immigration is payback for those votes. She will continue this support because it is her ticket to re-election.

Rational voters are able to distinguish between the need for legal immigration based on the demands of the U.S. economy, and the need to prevent illegal immigration. Allowing the indiscriminate illegal immigration we have seen in the past is a recipe for disaster.

The United States is almost $20 trillion in debt; however, our elected officials continue to pick and choose which laws they wish to support — even though they took the oath of office to defend the constitution and uphold the law.

If the United States were to adopt an open border immigration policy without any immigration criteria or examination of the applicants, the population would overwhelm the available resources in a very short period of time and the standard of living would decline rapidly.

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LETTER: Students protest death in Gaza

Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.