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LETTER: Blame Republicans for mass shootings

I have the answer to the problem of mass shootings in the United States: Simply stop electing Republicans. To anything.

It is now clear that as long as Republican officeholders have a say on the issue, absolutely nothing will change and mass shootings will continue unabated.

I am not some loony liberal. I am retired career law enforcement and a long-time Republican. My conclusion is based on the fact that the Republican Party is — or at least used to be — the self-described party of “individual responsibility.” To the extent I have supported Republican candidates in the past, I have been an enabler. No more.

So-called “conservative” pundits will, as always, clutch their pearls and bay at the moon at any suggestion of the dreaded “gun control.” However, know this: These folks are cutouts for billionaires and giant corporations and care not one whit for you or your family on anything, let alone whether you or your family get shot.

And to my Republican friends who continue to support the GOP: After the next mass shooting, look in the mirror. Because you, my friends, are complicit.

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Ranked-choice voting would be a boon to Nevada.

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Auto insurance rates are soaring. I am in favor of anything that will lower the cost of mandated insurance policies.