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LETTER: ‘Bipartisan’ Jacky Rosen follows the liberal herd

“Astounded” is the the word that best describes the vote cast by our U.S. senators relative to men playing on women’s sport teams. About 80 percent of Americans believe that men and women should play on teams consisting only of their biological sex. Yet a proposal to ensure this failed in Congress because of Democratic opposition. Surely, some of the “nay” voters have daughters or granddaughters playing on sport teams. But blind obedience is the mantra.

Sen. Jacky Rosen, in her re-election campaign last year, stated in her ads that she would represent all Nevadans. But what she did was to obediently vote with the party line even though Nevada voters showed in the November election that change was needed in Washington. Shame on her.

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LETTER: Is a Trump recession looming?

Not everything is a game, and Mr. Trump will find this out the hard way. The real victims are Americans who depend on 401(k)s and investments for their retirement and those on fixed incomes.

LETTER: Nevada public schools need competition

We will not be able to sustain long-term American greatness with mediocre K-12 schools. We must allow competition and school choice.