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LETTER: A word in defense of U.S. corporations

Updated March 24, 2020 - 9:07 pm

In response to Michael A. Donnelly’s March 18 letter complaining about big companies and bailouts:

Who are these airline “fat cats”? The workers who clean the cabin of trash, vomit, etc. after each flight? The ground personnel who guide aircraft in and out of gates and load and unload luggage in all weather? Those who clean the lavatories, fuel the aircraft and de-ice it in severe weather? The gate and ticket agents (diplomatic skills required)?

Are they the skilled mechanics who are responsible for regular and emergency maintenance? The flight attendants whose required skills include CPR and other first-responder skills along with handling emergencies such as illness, injury triage, delivering babies and passenger safety procedures in emergencies? The pilots who undergo ongoing training and are held totally responsible for passenger and aircraft safety at all times in all weather and under all circumstances?

Airlines are for-profit businesses vulnerable to Mother Nature’s whims and fluctuating fuel costs. As such, these “fat cats” are subject to job loss when life isn’t so perfect — i.e. coronavirus — as opposed to tax-funded government employees.

So, Mr. Donnelly, to keep you safely flying from point A to point B and needing to make money in order to do so, the airlines may ask you to pay for your liquor, second checked bag and tighter seating. I, for one, am willing to lend a hand to these “fat cats” and their families.

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