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Let’s weed out bad apples from the force

Re: The July 10 Viewpoints commentary, “Black America and cop shootings”:

It seems that more and more blacks are being killed by police. And now more and more police are being killed, apparently in protest. How can we put an end to this terrible state of affairs that seems to be escalating?

My suggestion: Let’s examine how we select candidates for serving on our police forces.

When I went into the Navy during World War II, my physical well-being — my blood pressure, eyesight, hearing and just about everything imaginable — was carefully evaluated. That makes good sense.

But at no time was there an evaluation of my mental state — my psychological fitness. And, in fact, I encountered two individuals who ultimately were sent to the brig for threatening another with a big knife.

In the intervening years, I have observed police officers who, in my opinion, were not of a mental state to be entrusted with the responsibility of carrying weapons. There are individuals who seek the authority and power that goes with the police uniform.

There is an old saying: One bad apple can ruin the whole barrel of apples. Let’s not let that happen in our police forces. Keep the “bad” ones out of the police force.

In that regard, wouldn’t it be prudent to review the criteria used to select police officer candidates?

George Epstein

Los Angeles

Hillary it is

The polls show that the majority of voters on either side don’t trust either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. So what should be important to Americans?

First, which candidate is the most qualified. Second, which candidate has the most experience in dealing with foreign governments and domestic affairs. Third, which candidate best knows his or her way around Washington.

While both candidates have their own history of questionable practices and honesty, there’s only one who unquestionably meets all three of these necessary criteria: Hillary Clinton.

Robert Collins

Las Vegas

Signs everywhere

To all of the June primary candidates who litter our vacant lots with their campaign signs: It is now mid-July and there are still a lot of signs standing or deteriorating. There should be a law, backed up with fines, saying candidates have one week after the election to take down their signs.

Candidates without the resources or organization to pull down what they put up should be deemed not suitable to run our city, county, state or country.

Harvey Hirsch


GOP no-shows

In your Sunday article “Can Trump unite GOP,” I found it really odd that Gov. Brian Sandoval along with Sen. Dean Heller and Reps. Joe Heck, Cresent Hardy and Mark Amodei have decided to stay away from the Republican convention.

If you are one of the Republican elected representatives from this state, why are you staying home?

I’m really getting sick of all these so-called politicians who ask for our support and then can’t even support their own party. So you stay at home and pout?

Mr. Trump may not be their choice, but it’s up to them to support him. By staying home these Republicans tell me they don’t need my vote and can get re-elected in November with it.

I’m tired of no-result politicians in Nevada.

Dave Mesker

Las Vegas

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