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Let’s bring discipline back to Clark County Schools

I would like to posit that what is needed now in the Clark County School District is not more money, but more classroom structure and discipline. I think it does no good to continually increase funding if the current classroom environment is not conducive to real learning.

Teachers and principals should have more autonomy and authority to suspend and/or expel unruly students. I am sure most students who want to learn would appreciate a classroom environment where teachers are respected and obeyed.

In addition, the number of absences allowed each semester should be reduced to a meaningful number that promotes personal responsibility and parental involvement. Not to mention, the apparent lack of an appropriate dress code, which cannot possibly be conducive to a respectful learning environment.

If we “old” people were assured that the classroom environment promoted learning, structure and discipline, we might be more inclined to support efforts to increase school funding.

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