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Let the dog live out his days at sanctuary

To the editor:

Undoubtedly, the story about the family dog that killed little Jeremiah Eskew-Shahan in Henderson has become very controversial, garnering national attention (“Judge halts execution of dog that killed baby boy,” Tuesday Review-Journal).

This was an extremely tragic incident, and we are about to perpetuate more tragedy with the killing of the dog, Onion. Those folks who are trying to save the dog and have him sent to a sanctuary are being ridiculed by some.

The family wants the dog “punished” for the evil that he did. Onion is on death row, with no clue as to why. But he can sense he’s not in a good place. Animals have good instinct. But they aren’t capable of intentional wrongdoing. They react in response to their biological instinct for self-preservation.

Families with youngsters may not consider that their children view the family pet as an inanimate object – like furniture or a playtoy – and use it as such. They may not consider that their pet has needs of its own. It’s a living, feeling being, after all. But oftentimes, this is forgotten when babies are added to the family.

It is crucial that adults exercise proper care and vigilance when raising both children and pets in the same household. We have a responsibility to our family members, but also to the pets we take in.

Henderson Mayor Andy Hafen and members of the City Council are about to take on a court battle with The Lexus Project, a group that is trying to save the dog’s life. I question if taxpayers truly want to see their money wasted on this effort, rather than just permitting the dog to live out its days at a Colorado sanctuary while we all learn a valuable lesson from this sad incident.

Annoula Wylderich

Las Vegas

Obama disaster

To the editor:

I find it very ironic that the liberals who were berating President George W. Bush for high unemployment and gasoline prices now claim it’s better. Wow, 8 percent unemployment and $4 a gallon for gasoline is now the norm. This is the greatest economy ever.

Never mind that Mr. Bush’s tax cuts stimulated the economy by allowing us to keep more of our money. And because of high gasoline prices, Mr. Bush opened up more federal land for oil exploration. The cost of gasoline went down.

The Democrats haven’t passed a budget for three years. They increased government spending by 20 percent – even more if you count the stimulus.

Every time I go to the store, I pay more for everything. This year I made less, but paid more in taxes.

Some faceless bureaucrat can now tell me what type of insurance I can get. If I don’t follow the bureaucrat’s rules, there are 16,000 IRS agents to ensure that I do.

This current administration’s foreign policy is to give money to our enemies and disrespect our friends. It appears that all I have to look forward to is a $60 light bulb and $10 per gallon gasoline.

The best thing is that if President Obama is re-elected, he can make great deals with Russia, Egypt, North Korea, China. You know, all our friends.

Forrest A. Henry

North Las Vegas

GOP’s fire

To the editor:

Most Republicans want to avoid mentioning former President George W. Bush because they realize he and his administration lit the match which started the fire that is burning our economy. But they freely use the name of former President Ronald Reagan to distract from reality.

I voted for President Reagan, but face facts: He would not get the GOP presidential nomination given today’s ideological battle in the Republican Party.

When I refer to ideological battle, one needs only to look at the rise and fall of some of the GOP candidates. There were many unqualified front-runners. Yet there was one serious-thinking GOP candidate who didn’t get 1 percent of the vote.

Mitt Romney – a loser in his last bid for the nomination – is now the front-runner. He’s a millionaire who appears to want more. He put his poor dog through hell on his car roof. There is no way an average Joe like me could ever vote for him. What in the name of common sense is going on?

The parts of the GOP agenda that seek to do away with government and their mixed statements against helping the needy can blow a sane person’s mind.

They preach Christianity but they rant against what Christianity is all about. Would their creator want them to take away from the sick and down-trodden to further the hale and hardy?

Don Ellis


Doesn’t get better

To the editor:

I am amazed that the taxpayers, whose average salary is probably $45,000, have to pay for the college education of firefighters whose combined salaries average $175,000 a year (Monday Review-Journal). Firefighters, with their 24-hour shifts, get paid while they exercise, sleep, cook and eat at the firehouse, and shop for groceries. I have even witnessed firefighters shopping for automobiles while on duty.

It doesn’t get any better than being a firefighter in Las Vegas. They have so much free time on their hands that many have second jobs or careers in local politics, all the while collecting a lavish salary supported by taxpayers.

Taxpayers, trying to hang onto their homes, are now being asked to pay higher taxes to continue the funding of the outrageous salaries and benefits bestowed on firefighters and other public employees by our corrupt politicians who are fearful of their unions.

Brian Aiken

Las Vegas

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