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Las Vegas student does himself proud at Bee

To the editor:

Finally, a feel good story on the front page (“LV speller gets stuck in a ‘zanja’,” Friday Review-Journal).

I read with interest the story of Dakota Jones’ trip to the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Maryland. Since I always considered myself a “stellar speller” this story was close to my heart.

Dakota, you are cute as a bug and smart as a whip and I think I speak for all of Las Vegas when I say we are very proud of your accomplishments.

You sure have put a smile on my face today. Keep up the good work.

Julie Driscoll

Las Vegas

To the editor:

Re: “Nevada champ Dakota Jones reaches Spelling Bee finals,” Thursday Review-Journal):

The Hyde Park middle school student correctly spelled such difficult words as “whirlicoat” and “talmouse.”

Congratulations, Dakota Jones, for making it that far and best wishes for continued success.

David Tulanian

Los Angeles

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