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Lack of civility and violence isn’t just a problem on the left

Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks would like you to think that political violence is solely the act of Democrats and liberals (Oct. 19 column). What he doesn’t talk about is the well-documented incidents of violence from the right. The Global Terrorism Database found that nearly two-thirds of terror attacks in the United States last year were attributed to right-wing extremists.

Doesn’t Mr. Joecks’ “standard for holding politicians culpable” apply to President Donald Trump when he says he’s considering paying someone’s legal fees after attacking a protester? What about Pennsylvania’s GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott Wagner saying to opponent Gov. Scott Wolf, “I’m going to stomp all over your face with golf spikes”?

I could go on, but a lack of civility and violence has been documented from all sides. Mr. Joecks is playing a dangerous game by stoking one-sided fearmongering and not representing an objective truth.

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