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Just another old dead white guy

Jane Ann Morrison’s April 14 column “Monticello owns up to its past” barely mentioned Monticello. Her column was instead a subtle attack on Thomas Jefferson’s perceived character flaws and just one more assault on the reputation of an American Founding Father.

To my knowledge, Jefferson never denied being a slave owner, something hardly unique in rural Virginia at the turn of the 18th century. Those who denigrate Jefferson from the smugness of the 21st century do so, not because he owned slaves and not even because he had a mistress. They do so because he was a male Caucasian, apparently not LGBT, and not a member of any oppressed ethnicity. That makes him racist, misogynist, homophobic and whatever else they can pile on. By 21st century standards he should just shut up and accept his guilt.

Jefferson’s accusers are the same ones who express amazement at Donald Trump supporters. Why won’t they just shut up and accept their guilt?

Steve Williams


Getting Berned

No wonder Bernie Sanders was so reluctant to release his tax returns, he had an adjusted gross income of more than $205,000 in 2014. That means his income was likely north of $230,000, putting him among the top 1.5 percent of U.S. wage earners — whom he demonizes ad nauseam.

Classic socialist hypocrite and demagogue. A wolf in sheep’s clothing following in the footsteps of others of his ilk, who seek the status and privilege of becoming “first among equals.”

Perhaps Mr. Sanders should be paying heed to Raul Castro’s recent dismal “State of the Workers’ Paradise” rather than trying to foist a failed system of government on our country. Better yet, why not join Raul and his brother and run for First Among Equals in Cuba?

Don Brady


One finger

The Review-Journal likes to tell us that the economy has been sputtering along. Of course, the editorial page doesn’t want to give President Obama any credit for improving things.

Your April 18 editorial notes it has taken nine years to recover from the 2007 onset of the Great Recession. How long did it take to recover from the Great Depression of the 1930s? Fifteen years and a world war.

In addition, consider that not one Republican raised a finger during these past nine years to help Mr. Obama with any action he took to turn things around. Not one. Instead of lambasting him for what you call a slow recovery, how about giving him credit for having done it.

Richard L. Strickland

North Las Vegas

Debt record

Regarding Ron Lowe’s April 18 letter, I’d like to offer a brief, concise answer to his long-winded defense of Barack Obama in which he, I am certain, asked rhetorically: What else might he accomplish?

Well, Mr. Lowe, how about surpassing $20 trillion in U.S. debt? Since he has already amassed more debt than all prior presidents combined in his seven years, why not just top the $20 trillion mark before he leaves office?

Wouldn’t that be an accomplishment: The president who put the United States at the brink of bankruptcy.

George Pucine

Las Vegas

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