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Jury follows evidence with Zimmerman

To the editor:

Did anybody actually watch the George Zimmerman trial? Did they actually listen to the testimony? Michelle Bracey, in her Friday letter to the editor, called the jury ignorant. Really? All through the trial, various commentators noted how attentive the jury was, and that jurors were constantly taking notes and watching each witness closely.

In order for the jury to have found Mr. Zimmerman guilty, it would have had to believe that Mr. Zimmerman did not feel he was in imminent danger. Mr. Zimmerman stated he was beginning to lose consciousness. Does anyone think for a moment that when Trayvon Martin told him, “You’re gonna die tonight,” Mr. Zimmerman didn’t believe it? Can any person put himself in Mr. Zimmerman’s place and say, “No, you’re not feeling that?”

Readers continue to write that Mr. Zimmerman was the aggressor, despite the fact he never confronted Mr. Martin. Ms. Bracey wrote that it was impossible to tell who was screaming. What? Eyewitness testimony stated that Mr. Martin was on top, pummeling Mr. Zimmerman. Does anyone believe that the person doing the pummeling would be yelling for help? Did anyone watching and listening to the trial ever hear one shred of evidence stating that Mr. Zimmerman started the fight? It was not a fight anyway; it was an attack by Mr. Martin.

For Ms. Bracey to write that Mr. Zimmerman started a fight for the purpose of shooting an innocent man is frankly outrageous. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but I would like to think that the Review-Journal wouldn’t let anyone make false, reckless statements.



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