It’s racist to stand up for the rule of law?
November 2, 2012 - 1:12 am
To the editor:
I’m beginning to wonder if I have a problem, because every time Sen. Harry Reid opens his mouth it’s like fingernails on a blackboard to me. According to John L. Smith’s Tuesday column, Sen. Reid said “17 angry old white men are trying to buy the election.” He goes on to say that the Republicans are not doing enough to cater to the Hispanic community. That’s because most Americans believe in the rule of law, and if you are not here legally you should not be granted amnesty ahead of those who are trying to gain residency and citizenship by doing it the right way.
When Sen. Reid says “angry old white men” are not doing enough for Hispanics, he is fanning the flames of racism. I thought the Obama administration was going to end racism. Unfortunately, minions like Harry Reid are doing their best to drive a wedge between the races instead of thinking of us all as Americans. What some people will do for political gain is unbelievable.
Unable to change
To the editor:
Richard Cohen’s Wednesday column about President Obama’s reluctance to care is a perfect example of what a “yellow dog Democrat” is – one who is not happy with a Democrat, but would rather vote for a dancing chicken than a Republican.
Down the rat hole
To the editor:
Nothing aggravates me more during this election cycle than the misinformation being spread by the media and campaign ads. Even in this day and age of the Internet, many voters still get their information via the mainstream media or campaign ads – they do little if any fact-checking.
Case in point is Wednesday letter to the editor “Numbers don’t lie,” by Bart Atwell. Mr. Atwell’s statement that only 8 percent of all green energy companies receiving federal money have gone bankrupt is dubious at best. Just recently another green energy company, A123 Systems, which received $250 million in stimulus money, has gone broke, costing 400 jobs. An additional 50 green energy companies have either filed for bankruptcy (23 companies) or are distressed (27 companies).
When one calculates the cost, it comes to around $300,000 in tax money per job down the proverbial rat hole.
Another interesting fact is that about 65 percent of these companies have ties to Obama bundlers. For instance: Nevada Geothermal, which by the account of the company’s own auditor is in financial trouble, has ties to Harry Reid and two other Obama bundlers.
As for Mr. Atwell’s assertion that the president’s green energy investment record is better than Mitt Romney’s at Bain Capital comment, it would have been nice if he had mentioned that Bain’s business was rescuing bankrupt and distressed businesses and turning them around. Just think of all the lost jobs if Bain Capital had not rescued the companies it bought into.
Bain also created new jobs by saving businesses such as Staples, Brookstone, Domino’s Pizza and Toys R Us, to mention just a few.
Distressed firms
To the editor:
As I read “Numbers don’t lie” in Wednesday’s Review Journal, I couldn’t help but think letter writer Bart Atwell is either uninformed or trying to mislead people.
There are two glaring differences between Bain Capital and the U.S. government. First, if a company searches out an entity like Bain, it already has major financial problems. Second, Bain’s investments are private money, not taxpayer money.
We taxpayers have no voice – other than elections!
Two fronts
To the editor:
Mitt Romney wants to spend money to have our military ready to fight two wars at the same time. If the U.S. prepares to fight two wars, does that mean that we are more likely to do so? Where does he plan to fight these wars? Is one or more in the Middle East? What is the cost in dollars and lives?
Shouldn’t we use these resources to rebuild here at home? I am pretty tired of war. Is Mitt Romney?
Ben who?
To the editor:
If you ever had a doubt regarding the bias of the mainstream media against Republicans versus their love affair with Democrats, compare the coverage of the alleged “outing” of CIA operative Valerie Plame with the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, where four American heroes were murdered by al-Qaida operatives.
In the Valerie Plame case, from Day One of the report of the alleged “outing,” the media flooded the airwaves and other news avenues with reports, interviews and editorial comments regarding the “outing.” The “outing” was front-page news and members of the Republican administration were questioned incessantly on television and radio as well as by newspaper reporters.
Compare that coverage with the almost total news blackout regarding the Obama administration’s conduct regarding the Benghazi attack. The White House first advanced erroneous theories regarding the attack, then lied about the cause of the attack and now refuses to comment further until after a “thorough investigation.”
One would think that because the White House had live footage of the attack and already had eyewitness evidence of what had transpired, they would have, after six weeks, been able to give a substantial report. Instead, the White House will not release any further information about the invasion until after the election. How convenient.
And this was supposed to be the most transparent administration in history.
Given the ineptitude and dishonesty of Obama and his administration, no longer is it in the best interest of America or the world to have him in power.