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Illegal immigration and legal driving

To the editor:

In response to your Monday story, “State legislators see benefits of driver authorization cards”:

State Senate Majority Leader Mo Denis, D-Las Vegas, states that his “constituents” plead for driver’s licenses. Sen. Ruben Kihuen, D-Las Vegas, states one constituent just wants to “drive legally so I can take my kid to a store and not have a cop stop me and deport me.”

My question is how does Sen. Denis come to represent illegal immigrants? That would mean illegal immigrants helped elect him. How could that possibly happen? Is this one more back-door attempt in the Democratic Party’s grand plan to give illegal immigrants amnesty by giving them more stuff, i.e. de facto driver’s licenses so they can enlarge and perpetuate the Democrats’ voting bloc?

Soon there will be no need for illegal immigrants to even become American citizens. Thanks to the Democratic Party, they’ll be handed all the same benefits. Except American citizens will be paying for them.



Some people never learn

To the editor:

In response to the May 15 letter, “Outrageous Benghazi blunders, cover-up”:

I suppose to those with no knowledge of history, letter writer Bob Jack sounds like he knows what he’s talking about. But I remember the squealing about how President Bill Clinton was going to take the country into socialism. I remember Republican-backed investigation after investigation of Mr. Clinton turned up nothing. I remember Republicans crowing like they’d saved the world for proving that Mr. Clinton lied under oath, trying to conceal a consensual sexual act. That’s what Republicans do when they don’t have the presidency.

The current Republican House of Representatives couldn’t even pass gas if it tried. It has one-third of its committees investigating the administration, as one scandal after another fails to bear any fruit or reach the White House in any way. They had to doctor emails to make the administration look bad on Benghazi — Mr. Obama released the actual emails which proved Republicans are manufacturing evidence. Even the IRS scandal occurred under a Bush appointee.

Like the investigations of the Clintons, these, too, will go nowhere. Poor George H.W. Bush, the only honest and intelligent Republican to hold the office of president since Dwight Eisenhower, and Republicans voted him out of office after one term. But Grover Norquist did say, during the 2012 CPAC, “All we have to do is replace Obama. … Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States … to sign the legislation that’s already been prepared.”

The last administration is clear evidence that Mr. Jack and his party were most successful in that respect. Nonetheless, I imagine this investigative dog-and-pony show will continue on well into Hillary Clinton’s terms as president as well, if history is any indication of the future.



Blood-alcohol level

To the editor:

Whenever I read of an alcohol-related crash, the blood-alcohol level of the perp is usually over 0.15 percent. So how could making felons out of 50 percent of everyone who goes out for a little entertainment change that? (“Lower blood-alcohol level proposed,” May 15 Review-Journal.)

The only beneficiaries of 0.05 percent standard would be the auto insurance companies, which would double the premiums for anyone caught, even if no accident occurred. Everyone wants to keep the drunks off the road, but please make changes that would actually work.



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