Hoarder got help because of columnist
October 14, 2012 - 1:04 am
To the editor:
In response to Christopher Gerst’s Friday letter to the editor, “Shameful reporting in tragic story of hoarder”:
We have all been made aware of a Las Vegas hoarder, whose story was exposed by Review-Journal columnist Jane Ann Morrison. Since her reporting was published, there have been numerous reactions, including the letter from Mr. Gerst, who slammed Ms. Morrison’s “irresponsible” commentary in her initial story.
Mr. Gerst accurately points out that the hoarder in question, 55-year-old Kenneth Epstein, likely has mental health issues that may include depression. Mr. Gerst fears that because of Ms. Morrison’s approach to the story, the man’s condition may worsen, brought on by the shame of being exposed.
Like Mr. Gerst, we all sympathize with the hoarder’s condition and challenges. But this is an issue that negatively affects anyone and everyone in that community. And I applaud Ms. Morrison for bringing it to light, as do, I’m sure, the hoarder’s neighbors.
Aside from Mr. Epstein, there is plenty of blame to go around. And it likely should begin with the homeowners association. I suspect that because of Ms. Morrison’s story, the next HOA general meeting will be a bit livelier than usual, because people will want answers as to why something wasn’t done prior to Ms. Morrison’s initial column.
We’ve learned that complaints had been lodged, city enforcement officials have been involved, and that Mr. Epstein had been confronted in the past over this issue. Yet it took Ms. Morrison’s columns to move the ball. She should be applauded. Ms. Morrison is a messenger, and she did precisely what she is paid to do: offer commentary and report on issues and events important to her readers’ communities.
Many of us have neighbors – mentally ill or not – who do not live up to the standards mandated by our CC&Rs. Some folks feed stray cats. Others regularly violate noise codes. Whatever the offense, maybe now, because of Ms. Morrison’s excellent columns, respective HOAs across the valley will step up and do their jobs.
I applaud Mr. Gerst’s compassion. But I would also hope that Mr. Gerst realizes that because of Ms. Morrison, Mr. Epstein will finally get the care he so obviously needs. Nothing else seemed to work.
Drake Collier
Las Vegas