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Feds know nothing about grazing

I am thankful for Nigel Duara’s report on Cliven Bundy, which brought to light information from the Department of Justice (“Cliven Bundy’s ‘Bizarre’ ranching practices include neglecting cattle – DoJ,” Feb. 19 Review-Journal). It is obvious that the people in charge of this country have no experience or knowledge in the cattle industry or ranching. And yet they can have people incarcerated, destroying the lives of those families.

The quotes from U.S. Attorney Charles Gorder are opinions, not facts, and if these quotes were enough to convince Magistrate Judge Janice Stewart to put Mr. Bundy behind bars, then someone else is doing her thinking for her. This is how our government works today. Among the statements that blew me away: “The Justice Department describes Bundy’s ranching operation as negligent to the point of cruelty in sending half-wild cattle to graze illegally on protected lands without supervision. Unvaccinated and susceptible to illness, the cattle have little contact with humans and Bundy often has no idea where they are.”

How ill-informed are these people in the Justice Department? How and where do they do their research? Cattle turned out to graze are half-wild, as it is natural for them in order to survive. And “illegally” grazing is the opinion of the BLM, as it whittles the grazing permits down to the point where it wanted to put Mr. Bundy out of business, the same method it’s using to push other ranchers out of business. Besides, how do you pay on a permit that has been canceled?

The Justice Department also staed, “The cattle were left out during harsh winters, fighting off predators and scrounging for the meager amounts of food and water.” Southern Nevada does not have harsh winters compared with the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho or Colorado.

Mr. Gorder also noted that the cattle are “mean and ornery.” Does Mr. Gorder think cattle are pets?

Our government officials are perfect examples of what Americans are becoming. Most of them are hired to do a job they know nothing about. Reality will strike when ranchers, farmers and fishermen go on strike. These are the people who provide your food. The federal overnment is slowly eradicating these folks, and when they are gone, what will you eat?

Toni Werk

North Las Vegas

Democratic caucus

On Feb. 20, I attended the Democratic caucus for my precinct. The experience could be described as atrocious, horrid or abominable. It was disorganized and unpleasant. The main reason for this is the Nevada Democratic Party. The party spent weeks getting ready for caucuses by printing endless instructions, but never addressed practical concerns.

The party provided countless numbers and codes, but not enough computers. At our site, there was only one volunteer running everything for 11 precincts. The party did not think to provide more help. A number of Hillary Clinton supporters compounded the problem by being verbally abusive and refusing to comply with the rules.

In the end, the caucus achieved four goals: A total loss of respect for the Nevada State Democratic Party; an undermining of candidates by discouraging volunteers and supporters; a negative reaction to Mrs. Clinton as a possible nominee; and an absolutely compelling argument for abandoning the caucuses in favor of a primary system.

Fran Hutton

Las Vegas

New solar terms

I have seen many articles in the Review-Journal where the new rate system for rooftop solar is compared with the old system, using terms such as “less generous” and “less favorable.” The more accurate terms would be onerous, punitive and Scrooge-like.

The implication of the RJ’s terms is that there is still some generosity in the new system. There is not. The old one was balanced, fair and level. The new one is a license to steal power from homeowners.

Robert Morrow

Las Vegas

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Seeking an end to death, injury and starvation of civilians in Gaza does not fit the definition of antisemitism.