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Don’t blame everything on old white guys

The media have recently been portraying old white guys as the ones to blame for every perceived wrong in everyone’s life. So who are these obviously stupid, bigoted, old white guys?

The oldest fought in World War II (saved the world again) and Korea. We also fought in Vietnam. Our sons — future old white guys — fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than 600,000 young white guys died in the Civil War to preserve the United States and free the slaves. They never got to be old white guys. We are all proud to have served our country, which means all of you.

From our fathers — many of whom were legal immigrants — we learned about education, work, sacrifice, family, God and not to rely on the government.

Because we are “old,” we are far more concerned about our children and grandchildren than ourselves. We love the women in our lives and want only the best for them.

Many groups — LGBTQQIAPK, BLM, etc. — blame all their problems on old white guys. But we want you to live as you wish. We do not, however, believe that our families should be forced to give up their lifestyle for yours.

Jerry Price

Las Vegas

Bottom of barrel

Our national election was an example of a republic versus a democracy. The Electoral College prevented the nation from domination by the huge populations in the large metropolitan areas of several states. Conversely, Nevada was dominated by the large population of Las Vegas, wherein tens of thousands of union members who pander to Democrats helped them to win most of the state legislative races, which will give them control for the next session.

Democrats won all the congressional races for the same reason.

When Nevada’s new Democrat congressional members arrive in Washington, D.C., they will be “newbies” in a GOP Congress. Republicans will relegate them to the bottom of the barrel when it comes to committee appointments. But Nevadans are used to being on the bottom of the barrel when it comes to government benefits, despite our previous congressional representation.

Glade Barlow

Las Vegas

Yucca benefits

It is my hope that someone realizes the opportunity that exists now that Sen. Harry Reid is retiring.

Education, infrastructure and water are all issues that plague Nevada year in and year out. Nevada is in a great bargaining position when it comes to bringing nuclear waste from all over the world and interring it at Yucca Mountain. The federal government already has spent $10 billion on the Yucca project. Nevada could bargain for some things that most folks have not even considered.

The states in the Northwest would gladly divert a portion of the annual runoff from the Columbia River system into the Colorado River system. This would make it possible to keep Lakes Mead and Powell full and allow water to flow through to Mexico year round. This would be a benefit to all who use the Colorado and keep the Southwest from ever having to deal with drought.

Imagine not having to raise taxes to improve our roads or give our teachers more money. The state could bargain for all kinds of stuff — maybe even no federal income taxes for residents of Nevada. Our roads could all be improved and we could probably get a mass transit system for both Reno and Las Vegas.

The point is we could ask for the moon and probably get it. It is time to stop wasting tax dollars fighting the project and start lobbying to get it built. Negotiating now, before the Congress forces anything upon us, would guarantee the state a very lucrative future. The technology is such that there are no worries about leakage for the next 500 years and surely by then there will be new technology that makes the whole argument against it moot.

Nicholas P. Gartner


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