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Donald Trump needs to do more than just talk about extremists

I have followed the events in Virginia like many others. I heard what the president said about the events, but I don’t find his responses credible. He has made too many hurtful and hateful comments about ethnic and religious groups and people with whom he does not agree.

Unfortunately, many of these comments have bolstered extremists in this country. How many were wearing Trump hats? We have always had separatists groups, but they seem to be reinvigorated.

Donald Trump cannot bring the country together with just talk. The first thing he should do it get rid of any and all people in his administration who have any connection to the alt-right. Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller come to mind, but there are others.

Second, he should fire Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Rightly or wrongly, he is seen as extreme on racial and immigration issues.

Will any of this happen? It is doubtful, but hateful speech will continue.

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