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Democrats should support choice program

In response to the last week’s Review-Journal story, “Nevada’s ESA program faces uncertain future in Democratic-controlled Legislature”:

Giving all children access to a quality education should be a bipartisan issue. Now that Democrats control the Nevada Legislature, this important funding mechanism is in jeopardy and families would no longer have the help to pay for their children to attend the schools they determine are best for them.

These accounts are particularly critical for lower-income families who need assistance to help pay for tuition and other education costs.

Since their inception in Arizona, parents have shown great demand for ESA programs. A survey of parents in Arizona showed that 71 percent were very satisfied and 19 percent were satisfied with the state’s ESA program. Last year, there were more than 8,000 families in Nevada who applied, but the court struck down the law’s funding mechanism.

There is clearly a great deal of support for the ESA program among parents in Nevada, and legislators should listen.

I’m glad that Gov. Brian Sandoval has plans to continue to fight to fund the program in the upcoming budget. I hope Senate Majority Leader Aaron Ford and Speaker-elect Jason Frierson will understand the importance of providing parents with school options outside the public school system.

Our first and only priority should be an optimal education for our children.

Maury Litwack

Washington, D.C.

The writer is director of state political affairs for the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center.

One dimensional

Is Review-Journal columnist Wayne Allyn Root knowledgeable in only one area of life? He is constantly writing about one thing over and over again.

Since the election, intelligent people understand that we need to come together as a society to become effective. However, Mr. Root continues to shove it down everyone’s throat who won.

Sorry, Mr. Root, but we already know that. Please stop and show us you have other interests and knowledge.

Greg Stanphill


Tar brush

The Review-Journal headlined the election results, “U.S. to Trump: You’re hired!” This suggests another headline: “U.S. to world: You’re fired!” (With the exception of Russia, of course.) The barbarians are at the gate.

Fall back and regroup. It’ll be tough with no affordable health insurance and House Speaker Paul Ryan hacking away at Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Certainly, walls will be built — down the two aisles of Congress. The Democrats will resort to obstructionism, as did the Republicans after 2008. The treasonous Republicans will call it treason.

Hang in there until 2018. Two years of President Trump’s on-the-job training plus the GOP excuses will knock some sense into the electorate and Democrats will retake Congress.

The Review-Journal has referred to use of the words “racist,” “misogynist” and “bigoted” as tarring. Exactly. The tar brush was dipped in the mouth of your next president.

James J. Begley


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