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Criteria for gender identity too vague

To the editor:

I couldn’t agree more with your transgender hate crimes editorial and your conclusion that “we start down a very dangerous path when we make ideas illegal” (Review-Journal, May 25). However, you left out a major component of gender-identity hate crimes: What are the criteria that constitute gender identity? Is surgery necessary? A pink boa? Women’s clothing? Born that way? Decided to become that way?

Last July, I decided to test the criteria of gender identity by attempting to gain entrance to the Moorea Beach Club pool party at Mandalay Bay. I told the door people, “Today I am a woman and therefore want free admission,” unlike the men, who must pay $50. The door people laughed, called security, and I filed a charge of discrimination with the Nevada Equal Rights Commission.

After several conversations with NERC administrator Shelley Chinchilla about what constitutes expression, behavior and language as written into the gender-identity law, she had no explanation. She eventually dismissed my charge because I “failed to state a claim based upon the minimum legal requirements.”

The conclusion to my test at Mandalay Bay and my experience with NERC is obvious: How in the world can lawmakers dictate laws for a group of people when the government itself is unable to define criteria that make up that group? Unbelievable.



Energy choices

To the editor:

I agree with the letter Virginia Finnegan wrote abut the high compensation packages for Michael Yackira from NV Energy and Jeffrey Shaw from Southwest Gas (“We pay more, utility executives get rich,” Review-Journal, May 13).

I generally have no problems with anyone making and earning top pay. I have a choice to visit their casinos, buy their products and help their bottom line. But I do not have a choice when it comes to purchasing the gas and electricity for my home.

For that reason, I feel the public’s money is unfairly spent on these salaries. I would be more than happy to support any new gas and power companies that would like to do business in this state (especially green energy).



Powerball, lottery

To the editor:

California has sold $83 million worth of Powerball tickets since the state starting selling them in April, and according to California lottery director Robert O’Neill, he expects sales to generate more than $50 million for public education. Nevada, meanwhile, still bows to the casino lobby and gaming moguls by ignoring the wish of Nevada residents: a lottery.

Lawmakers should amend Nevada’s constitution, which currently prohibits the state from having a lottery. The governor, lawmakers and most residents in the state know that we want a lottery. The old argument by the casino elite that a lottery will hurt the casinos’ bottom line is ridiculous. California, Florida, Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois and other states have a lottery, and they also have casinos operating in those states and do just fine. This is not the 1930s, when gambling first began in Nevada or when the gaming industry outlawed lotteries in the state. It is 2013, when gaming and lotteries go hand in hand.

It’s time to stop the gaming lobby and casino heads such as Steve Wynn from meeting privately with lawmakers and the governor to push their own agenda. Folks, it’s a no-brainer — $50 million to $80 million a year that could be split between education, roads and infrastructure is a win-win.

If the fat-cat lawmakers do what they know is right for Nevada residents and initiate the lottery, instead of sitting and feeding at the trough of the casinos, they would be elected over and over again for doing the right thing. If nothing else, put the matter up before the voters. I predict that if the matter went before the voters of the state, there would be a landslide vote to have the lottery. A lottery would be a bonus for Nevada coffers.

Where is the outrage of Nevadans on this issue? There should be petitions, groups and marches with the cry, “We want a lottery, now!” The people’s voice should be heard until we get a lottery. Lawmakers could repeal the lottery prohibition with very little effort. Let’s demand that they do it.



Sales tax

To the editor:

Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie told a panel of state lawmakers last month that an increase in the local sales tax will cover the $30 million deficit in his budget and ensure more police officers can continue to patrol Las Vegas.

Sales taxes are cruel and unusual punishment for American consumers — rich and poor, the unemployed and the retirees living on a fixed income. The sales tax is a consumption tax that has increased with inflation, and every time there’s a revenue shortfall, the government increases sales taxes. It’s a rip-off to the consumers.



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