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Contrary to media perceptions, Donald Trump has accomplished plenty

In his recent letter, Gary Burns says we’ve gone from filet mignon (Barack Obama) to hot dogs (Donald Trump). This is a blatant reminder that many citizens seem to be unaware of what Mr. Trump has accomplished in his presidency.

His tax breaks for everyone, including large, middle and small businesses) have resulted in 51,900 additional jobs in Nevada alone in this past year. His trade deals have brought down oil prices to the mid-$40 range. Four million jobs nationally have been created since his election, with more than 3.5 million since Mr. Trump took office.

More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history. Jobless claims are at the lowest level in nearly five decades. There has been a 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018. For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high. Wages were up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009. Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.

Without space limitations, I could list more than 300 improvements since Mr. Trump took office. So I guess Mr. Burns calling Mr. Trump “hot dog” is nothing more than baloney.

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