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Cliven Bundy offers up a new business model

We have a new business model brought to us by Cliven Bundy and supporters such as Danny LaFrana (Wednesday letter to the editor). If you have trouble with your business, just don’t pay the rent and then claim the landlord doesn’t have any jurisdiction over you. When the law comes after you, meet them with a bunch of your friends, armed with rifles.

However, Mr. LaFrana made a new claim that the government tried to charge Mr. Bundy too much. The grazing fees are charged per animal unit per month. On land owned by the U.S. government, the grazing fee for 2012 was $1.35 per AUM, a fee that’s substantially below the present-day cost of $16 to $20 per month to graze livestock on private land. As of 2015, the grazing fee has been increased to $1.69, which doesn’t impact Mr. Bundy because he hasn’t paid the fees for 20 years.

We should tell companies that face bankruptcy about this plan. You make up your own rules and defy anyone who thinks differently. However, we see this doesn’t work — and it won’t for Mr. Bundy, no matter what he and others believe.

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