Bombers have more rights than little Elian
May 6, 2013 - 11:21 pm
To the editor:
I am reminded of the completely different treatment by our government in the cases of Elian Gonzalez and the jihadist brothers accused of bombing the Boston Marathon.
In the Elian Gonzalez case, that impeached disbarred felon Bill Clinton sent his storm troopers to the home of the 10-year-old’s relatives in Miami, extracted him and returned him to that mass-murdering communist Fidel Castro.
In the case of the Boston bombers, their open FBI file was closed out by John Brennan, the Obama administration’s czar in charge of homeland security, in 2011.
When caught through citizen tips (not by our security agents), the surviving Tsarnaev brother was given Miranda warnings, a government-paid lawyer and the best medical care possible.
The ACLU lawyers hired two years ago by Attorney General Eric Holder will surely influence the judicial process in that Chechen mass-murdering bomber’s favor. You know, the poor boy was just misinformed and misled and is now sorry. After perhaps a three-month psychiatric evaluation, he will probably be freed to continue his education at the University of Massachusetts under an appropriate government stipend.
Mr. Brennan is now our CIA director — the proud inventor of “overseas contingencies,” “workplace violence,” and “YouTube protests” to describe Islamic jihadist crimes. I wonder what names Mr. Brennan might give to the Boston bombing of civilians and small kids? Perhaps “alienation in a foreign country,” or “lack of parental guidance”?
Pederast priests
To the editor:
Dana Lowenstein’s certainty regarding pedophilia (“Married priests could molest children, too,” April 1 letter to the editor) is not supported by the facts.
Little girls account for 90 percent of victims. Gay men do not assault or recruit little boys. Other religious denominations with married clergy have no stigma, as the Catholic Church does.
So, take a perfect storm of Catholic dogma on homosexual equal sin, atone for sin by joining the celibate clergy, simmer for a few years, and you get a cabal of boy rapers and their enablers.
Married priests would be a logical first step to dismantle this disgusting criminal enterprise.
To the editor:
In response to Norm Clarke’s April 24 column, “Hate mail leaves TV anchor in tears”:
Who could not like Paula Francis? She is the nicest, best-dressed TV newswoman. The other women should take note of her, particularly regarding their hairstyles, clothes style, colors and patterns. Some of the things they wear make them look so much heavier than they really are.
You would think the stations would have someone help them coordinate their outfits so they look good on TV. Paula Francis always looks good.
Nothing new
To the editor:
Your reports about “Greyhound Therapy,” featuring free one-way bus tickets for many undesired mentally ill people, reminds me that Nevada is not the only state that has done this for years.
Beautiful Santa Barbara, Calif., has refused help to many poor people who just wanted to live there. They denied help to me in 1961, although I was ill and had one small child with me and was pregnant by a Santa Barbara resident.
I was a naturalized U.S. citizen (My native country is Denmark). I had no police record. I only needed basic welfare help. It was denied to me. They did not give me anything for food on the trip, only a one-way Greyhound bus ticket to a small town in Oregon that had no welfare office.