Blame citizen ignorance for government mess
December 30, 2010 - 12:00 am
To the editor:
I just read your Tuesday editorial about Americans failing a simple test on the Bill of Rights. I’m not surprised. I’m also not surprised by people attributing statements made by Karl Marx to our founders.
It is this colossal ignorance of citizens that has led us to our current situation in the United States. I propose that your newspaper run a 10-part series on the Bill of Rights, one article briefly explaining the meaning of and history behind each amendment. Readers could then use this information to interpret the constitutional validity of the actions of our government.
The Review-Journal could do what the public schools can’t seem to manage.
Cole Walker
Boomers go bust
To the editor:
Applause for your front-page article Tuesday regarding fate of baby boomers going into retirement. Las Vegas has many residents in this new retiree age group.
Associated Press finance writer Dave Carpenter summarizes the national financial decline of the past decade in traditional pensions, stock-based retirement plans, home equity, Social Security benefits, medical-expense burdens and employment opportunities for older people.
But Mr. Carpenter says nothing about tax problems. Taxes are on everyone’s list of things to fuss about, but taxes are not included in any overall or individual analyses of a retiree’s situation. Nor does Mr. Carpenter discuss the expense of the journey through assisted living centers and nursing homes. Such costs should also be considered.
Lastly, he does not discuss any hope of passing on some financial benefit to our children and grandchildren. In Las Vegas, a typical new retiree will pass on an ample portfolio of two-for-one coupons, and nothing more.
Good luck, kids.
John T. Zanone
Las Vegas
Too dumb? No problem
To the editor:
The very analytical letter from Jason G. Brent, published in Monday’s Review-Journal, makes a valid point. The “many recruits … too dumb for the Army … are too dumb to function in society.” He logically reasons that these many ill-educated citizens “will be unable to get good-paying jobs in our technological environment,” and thus “will be unemployed for most of their lives.”
But Mr. Brent misses one important and clear option for those “too dumb.” Obviously, from the many problems and declining prominence of our nation and its states over the past several decades resulting from our politicians’ governing decisions, there are many positions as local, state and federal elected officials for which these “too dumb” are uniquely qualified. These are the problem creators, including our “too dumb” problem.
And we must not forget the job opportunities throughout the legions of government bureaucracies.
“Good jobs” problem solved!
Cop 101
To the editor:
I’m writing to you about reporter Brian Haynes’ five-day series from last week, “Cop 101: The making of a police officer.”
I’ve always had great respect for our officers, but I always thought you’d only want to do the job if you were a little crazy, or to entertain your ego.
Mr. Haynes’ articles gave me a new understanding of our great Las Vegas officers and what they stand for.
I’ve lived here for 14 years and have never read a better series than Brian Haynes’ observations, writing and reporting of such a great subject.
Juice job
To the editor:
So a former TV news anchorwoman and politician, Sue Lowden, aka “The Chicken Lady,” has been appointed by Gov. Jim Gibbons, the first sitting governor of Nevada to ever lose a primary election, to help oversee and regulate doctors and medical practices in Nevada (Dec. 15 Review-Journal). What qualifications are these to serve on the state Board of Medical Examiners?
I understand that Ms. Lowden also carries the title of “businesswoman,” but I don’t think that being married to a businessman makes that title transferable. Wouldn’t selecting an individual with a background in the medical field be a logical choice for an appointment to such a position? This is the sort of embarrassing, poor judgment exhibited by Gov. Gibbons that cost him his re-election.
Wouldn’t it have made more sense to leave this decision to the newly elected governor, Brian Sandoval? This is a fine example of why many public offices fail to run in a competent manner. It is also a prime example of the perks of having friends in high places.
Can of worms
To the editor:
Recently, a federal judge ruled the government cannot mandate that individuals purchase health insurance. If this survives an inevitable Supreme Court review, common sense says government-mandated automobile insurance should also be on the chopping block.
I don’t think there are any attorneys general who want to touch that can of worms.