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All-powerful Harry can’t be blamed? Huh?

To the editor:

I’ve been watching the political ads, but there’s still something I don’t understand.

Harry Reid and his supporters say he’s the most powerful man in the Senate and can do lots of good for Nevada. But Sen. Reid says he bears no responsibility for the economy. It’s the fault of George W. Bush, Wall Street and others.

So which is it? Is he powerful, or is he so weak he can only blame everyone else?

Philip Cohen

Las Vegas

Angle’s juice

To the editor:

Because GOP candidate Sharron Angle brags about having “juice” with Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., she needs to answer a question.

Sen. DeMint once publicly stated that gays, lesbians and sexually active single women (no mention of sexually active single straight men) should be prohibited from teaching in public schools.

Does Ms. Angle’s “juice” extend to supporting Sen. DeMint’s bizarre statement? A simple “yes” or “no” will do.

Jon Raymond


Not criminals

To the editor:

In response to Vin Suprynowicz’s Sunday column, “Lie face-down and let yourself be cuffed?”:

He is so right.

A person with a concealed weapons permit should not have to be ordered face-down on the ground and handcuffed by police.

If the person has contact with a police officer for any reason, he or she should inform that officer about the concealed weapon and the permit to do so. Then the permit holder needs keep his or her hands away from their body.

We do not need to be treated like criminals and face this embarrassment.

Henry W. Hertel

Las Vegas

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