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Woman loses DNA proposal to prove brother’s innocence

Longtime prison inmate advocate Tonya Brown lost again when she tried to induce the state Commission on the state Administration of Justice to back litigation that might prove the innocence of her late brother, Nolan Klein.

Panel seeks boost in parole and probation funding

Gov. Brian Sandoval should increase funding for the state Division of Parole and Probation in the budget he prepares for the Legislature to consider next year, a commission of legislators, judges, police and the attorney general decided Wednesday.

Nevada lawmaker withdraws opposition to Tahoe agency

A state legislator who helped lead the effort to pull Nevada out of the bi-state agency that controls planning and growth at the pristine Lake Tahoe has changed his mind.

Republican lawmaker plans to champion school vouchers

Once again, a Republican lawmaker will attempt to pass a school choice bill at the Legislature over the expected strong opposition of Democrats.