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Weapons violations, vandalism up at Southern Nevada universities

Weapons violations and vandalism doubled on university campuses in Southern Nevada in the past year, according to Arnold Vasquez, the director of University Police Services in the Southern command.

Neighborhood News

News and events from Downtown.

Dramatic move: Rainbow Company Youth Theatre packs up more than 30 years of history

It’s the final curtain call at the Reed Whipple Cultural Center. After a 30-year run, the Rainbow Company Youth Theatre is moving permanently to the Charleston Heights Arts Center, 800 S. Brush St. The move is dramatic for members of the company, who are feverishly packing boxes full of props to make the move by June 30.

End of year-round school presents challenges for parents

With more than 60,000 kids who used to be on a 12-month school schedule now out of class during the summer months for the first time, parents may be wondering what options they have. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas and Henderson offer an inexpensive program to help keep kids occupied.

Pick of the Week: El Triunfo

We have so many choices when it comes to dining out, and that’s why this is such a great city. Salvadorian food? Of course.

A La Carte

Aurelio’s Pizza opens in North Las Vegas

Recreation briefs

The Red Rock Raptors soccer club announces tryout and registration opportunities for boys and girls from
5:30 to 8 p.m. June 29 at Crossings Park, 1111 Crestdale Lane. For more information, call Jimmy Gabany at 526-7317, email info@r3soccer.com or visit r3soccer.com.

In case you missed it