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Amelia Pak-Harvey

Amelia Pak-Harvey’s On Education column appears every other Saturday.
apak-harvey@reviewjournal.com … @AmeliaPakHarvey on Twitter. 702-383-4630

Clark County schools closure would cut risk, but at what cost?

District leaders are weighing the major reason to close schools — slowing the spread of disease — against dozens of other concerns, including free meals and family disruptions.

On issues of inequity, CCSD doesn’t have to go it alone

Family to Family Connection serves as a birthday party room for kids experiencing housing insecurity, a play area for babies and toddlers and a classroom for all ages.

Would Nevadans support a sales tax increase for schools?

The education funding debate is not unique to the Silver State; nearby states have an array of approaches, with no one having found the right balance.

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