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Weapons violations, vandalism up at Southern Nevada universities

Weapons violations and vandalism doubled on university campuses in Southern Nevada in the past year, according to Arnold Vasquez, the director of University Police Services in the Southern command.

Celebrate Nevada Day with a trip to Hammargren home

Dr. Lonnie Hammargren was out of town when he got a call from his wife, Sandy. “She told me we’d had a tsunami at the house,” he said. “It turned out my big acrylic tank had burst open and flooded the backyard.” On Sunday , the public will be able to view the damage when Hammargren opens his home to the public in honor of Nevada Day.

Youths say boxing gym benefits them personally and academically

When it comes to keeping youths active, on top of schoolwork and off the streets, many of them turn to sports. One gym that offers opportunities to train in boxing and receive tutoring in school is North Las Vegas Center Ring Boxing, 1018 Fremont St.

Book Briefs

Book events scheduled this week include signings for “Fade Sag Crumble: Ten Las Vegas Writers Confront Decay,” “Feathers & Gifts” and “Confessions of a Guidette.”

Literary Las Vegas: Donna M. Quick

A gypsy curse, dreams of a mysterious woman later spotted in a 60-year-old photograph, family secrets and a gay man looking for acceptance from his retired minister grandfather fill the pages of local author Donna M. Quick’s novel “Hallowed Illusions.” For more information about the book, visit iuniverse.com or Quick can be contacted at donnamquick@hotmail.com.

Dining pick of the week: El Rancho Mexican

El Rancho Mexican is a fusion restaurant without all the fuss and fancy trimmings that many associate with fusion dining.

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Free lecture series designed to engage community

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas’ University Forum lecture series is in its 28th year, and its purpose of providing engaging presentations to the local community still holds true since its inception.

Police say precautions can help ensure horror-free Halloween

Officials throughout the Las Vegas Valley are taking measures to ensure safety during Halloween this year, alerting residents of suggested trick-or-treating hours and hosting events to promote alternative ways of celebrating.

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