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Weapons violations, vandalism up at Southern Nevada universities

Weapons violations and vandalism doubled on university campuses in Southern Nevada in the past year, according to Arnold Vasquez, the director of University Police Services in the Southern command.

In wake of deaths, police remind pedestrians and drivers to stay alert

Police Sgt. Richard Strader’s job is responding to fatal vehicle crashes. Discussing recent deaths involving vehicles and pedestrians, Strader said, “It is my belief that 99.9 percent of the accidents we respond to are avoidable.”

Nightclub gets license as Fremont East tackles noise complaints

A nightclub at the center of a downtown noise controversy will enclose its outdoor concert venue in an effort to make peace with neighbors. Elam and Francisco Lara, the club owner, commented on the enclosure plans Wednesday after the Las Vegas City Council approved a one-year review of Azul Tequila’s temporary tavern license.

Woman struck and killed in crosswalk

A woman was killed Tuesday night after being struck by a vehicle while in a crosswalk in the northeast valley, Las Vegas police said.

Developers named Arizona Charlie’s for distant relative

Many assume that Arizona Charlie, of local casino fame, was a character created for corporate marketing purposes like Ronald McDonald or Bob’s Big Boy.

Lambda membership grows beyond LGBT business owners

What started as a small-business networking group almost 10 years ago has evolved into Southern Nevada’s Chamber of Commerce for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

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