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Recreation briefs

The Lied Discovery Children’s Museum, 833 Las Vegas Blvd. North, is offering weekly camp programs for children 6 to 12. Sessions are available from 9 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4 p.m. through Aug. 15. Camp prices are $155 per week for museum members and $180 per week for nonmembers. For camp schedules, details and registration, visit ldcm.org or call 382-5437.

Downtown Neighborhood News

Rainbow Company Youth Theatre plans auditions, Animal Foundation offers a discount spay and neuter clinic and the Cashman Center prepares for a Senior Energy Assistance Expo in this week’s Downtown news.

First Friday forever: Galleries to open despite hiatus

Whirlygig Inc., the nonprofit responsible for launching First Friday, announced in mid-July that it would be taking a two-month hiatus from the event. From portable toilets and shuttle service to security and road barricades, a lot will be missing, but gallery owners plan to open anyway.

Literary Las Vegas

Who says Las Vegas isn’t for kids? Certainly not the creators behind “A Kids’ Guide To Las Vegas: The Original Las Vegas Coloring Book.” Rich Newman came up with the concept for a coloring book guide to the city, and artist Mike Miller wrote and illustrated it. Miller is better known for his Tomas the desert tortoise series and his View political cartoons. For more information on the author/artist, visit tomasthetortoise.com.

Book Briefs

BOOK REVIEW: Readers will get caught up in 3-D sports book

If anybody asks, you’re the kid who knows the score. You can rattle off your favorite teams’ standing. You know who leads in career touchdowns and career goals. You can describe the butterfly, the crawl, the trudgen and you know who does them best. Is there anything better than watching a game?

Letter to the editor

The U.S. government should be helping the people, not helping rich organizations like the stock markets, mortgage companies, car companies and banking industries.

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