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Weapons violations, vandalism up at Southern Nevada universities

Weapons violations and vandalism doubled on university campuses in Southern Nevada in the past year, according to Arnold Vasquez, the director of University Police Services in the Southern command.

Mob Month to feature Mafia stories

Stories and secrets of former mobsters are set to come to life in January during the third consecutive Mob Month at the Clark County Library , 1401 E. Flamingo Road.

Booker Elementary principal traveled up the ladder from custodian to administrator

At Booker Elementary School, Marcus Mason is settling into the position of principal. It is his first time in the head position after 20 years in the Clark County School District. What is different about his career path is Mason started out “cleaning toilets.”

Area Briefing



Dining pick of the week: The Shake & Dog

There are hot dogs and then there is Helmbold’s, a German snap dog with a natural casing imported to Southern Nevada from Troy, N.Y., by Ken Durivage.

A la carte

Faiss, at 100, reflects upon time in Nevada Legislature

Whether you are 1 or 100, the key to happiness in life or in politics is simple, says former state Sen. Wilbur Faiss: Good will to your fellow man.

Man dies in single-vehicle crash

A 44-year-old Arizona man died about 8:30 a.m. Sunday when the sport utility vehicle he was driving crashed into a parked semi trailer in the 3400 block of Western Avenue, near Desert Inn Road, authorities said.

Strip returns to normal after ‘orderly’ year-end bash

As night fell Sunday on the first day of the new year, things were back to normal on the Strip as tourists flocked to the bright lights for a second night of partying after one they won’t soon forget.

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