Question: My Texas mountain laurel has yellow leaves, and they continue to get more yellow as time goes by. It faces southwest, has two adjustable emitters turned down low, watering once a week for one hour in the winter.
Question: Can you tell what is damaging my 7-year-old blue ghost tree? This damage is about 12 feet high on the north side, and there is a line of holes in the trunk.
The Massive Spectacular, an annual performance featuring some of the world’s best belly dancers, is benefiting two very personal charities for organizer Tori Halfon this year.
Question: I have a good-sized area covered with rock mulch. A flowering plum tree is struggling in this area. Can a Myer’s lemon tree do well in a rock mulch setting?
The Mint 400 returns to Las Vegas March 23 to March 25, weaving new aspects into one of the country’s oldest and well-known off-road races.
Question: My crocuses and tulips are poking their heads out of the dirt in my garden. They’re growing. We have had great spring weather in January. Should I let them continue, or should I put some more dirt on them?
Question: I heard it is best to move rock away from my shrubs and replace it with mulch. What is your recommendation?
Do courses have their own muscle memory, or can an old dog learn new tricks at the beefed-up and beautified Stallion Mountain Golf Club?
The six-week basic course is so popular at Wood It Is!, 2267 W. Gowan Road, Suites 106 and 107, business owner Jamie Yocono has added extra sessions to sand down the waiting list.
Question: I removed a peach tree that had borers. How soon can I plant another peach tree in the same hole?
The last echo of a mining boom died long ago in this old village in Northern Arizona, yet it’s no ghost town, still boasting roughly 250 residents. But it’s not your stereotypical small town either, for individualism runs rampant, and there’s even some important public art here.