The College of Southern Nevada’s “The Goat or Who is Sylvia?” is a reminder that certain characters need to be played by actors who appear to be of a certain age.
It appears we have plenty of sardine lovers in Las Vegas, because several people responded to Pat Moore, who’s looking for canned sardines in tomato sauce.
Wine: Terlato Pinot Grigio
The association between good food and airplanes has never been a strong one.
Here’s another regional favorite that has found a home in our melting pot of a community: Italian beef sandwiches with sport peppers and giardiniera, being sought by Keri Merlini.
China One, 11710 W. Charleston Blvd., received 20 demerits March 31. Violations included food not thawed properly. GRADE: B
Eat the wrong pistachio dessert today and you could end up with salmonella. A wide variety of peanut products have been potential hazards for months. Before that were spinach, tomatoes, scallions. And that’s not to mention land mines such as foods that are cooked or cooled improperly or stored at temperatures that are too high or too low, or a host of others.
Josef and Karel Capek’s 1922 “The Insect Play” has been labeled anti-war and anti-human, but it may actually be anti-nature. You get the feeling that war is as strong an instinct as sex and selfishness. But that doesn’t mean this play isn’t fun. Director Brandon McClenahan focuses on the script’s humor in Insurgo’s production, and the result is a cartoonish comedy, great to look at, rich in thought.
Enrique Tinoco admits that his restaurant’s move to the Las Vegas Club from its former digs in downtown’s arts district has prompted some menu changes.
For U2 fans, it’s official. The band will bring its 360? tour to Sam Boyd Stadium on Oct. 23.
Domino’s Pizza, 5355 S. Decatur Blvd., received 18 demerits March 27. Violations included employee not following proper hand-washing procedures. GRADE: B
Man, it has been a long winter; I have a friend who has had bronchitis five times this winter. But spring has sprung, and most of us are grateful for that. However, we do have one leftover wintry request — for Lipton Chicken Noodle Cup-a-Soup, sought by Judy Dietrich. June Schule wrote that it can be found at Target at 6480 Sky Pointe Drive, and Herbert Harris e-mailed that he has ordered it from …
Instead of filling Easter baskets and supplying Easter-egg hunts with chocolate or sugar eggs, you may want to consider using the real thing. You’ll cut out lots of fat and sugar, and — something to consider in these budget-shattering times — eggs are an economical source of protein.
The Internet is full of egregious examples of food — overstuffed, over-large and, in some cases, overwrought.