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LETTER: Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt correct on background check initiative

In response to the Sunday commentary, “AG must enforce background check law”: I would like to applaud Attorney General Adam Laxalt for not enforcing a poorly written ballot question that tried to pull a fast one on Nevada voters. Background checks in Nevada are $25 if you don’t have a concealed-carry permit. If that was mentioned in the ballot question, no way it would have passed. It barely passed anyway when people started catching on.

There is no evidence background checks reduce crime or keep people safer. Every study cited by Michael Bloomberg’s people has been debunked. There are already plenty of laws against prohibited people buying or possessing guns.

Members of Mr. Bloomberg’s group are now threatening Mr. Laxalt when he runs again. Well, there are thousands of legal gun owners who will support and fight for Mr. Laxalt. We see what has happened in California and we won’t allow it to happen here.

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