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LETTER: Despite Wayne Allyn Root’s accusations, there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud in Nevada

In his Thursday column, Wayne Allyn Root writes with a straight face that there is massive voter fraud in Nevada. Perhaps he can give us the names of, say, 10,000 voters he knows for a fact voted fraudulently. What? He can’t do that? So he is basically saying that because something is easy to do, everyone will do it.

Shoplifting is easy, so does Mr. Root do it? Some people, including illegal immigrants, still have morals. They may use someone else’s Social Security number because they must in order to work and feed their family. They don’t have to vote. And no study has ever shown that they do vote in massive numbers.

The Pew study to which Donald Trump keeps referring doesn’t count dead people who voted, it counts only dead people still on the voting lists. That does not mean they someone voted in their name. Since there are many studies showing voter fraud is not a “massive” problem, as Mr. Root suggests, perhaps he should wait until there is evidence. Otherwise, he is just being irrational.

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