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Reid falls flat in Thursday’s debate

To the editor:

Sen. Harry Reid is the problem with Washington, not part of the solution.

In the only debate Sen. Reid agreed to hold with Sharron Angle, on Thursday night, Ms. Angle trounced Sen. Reid. That debate is the final nail for Sen. Reid and will put Ms. Angle over the top on Election Day.

As a matter of fact, I’m not waiting until Nov. 2. I will place my vote for Sharron Angle this weekend when early voting begins. Nevada voters can finally retire Sen. Reid, and I’m going to help.

Arthur Throckmorton

Las Vegas

Poor performance

To the editor:

In response to the senatorial debate Thursday night:

As a Democrat, not surprisingly, I found Republican Sharron Angle underwhelming and unconvincing. Unfortunately, Sen. Harry Reid did not distinguish himself, either.

Watching the two of them regurgitate the “talking points” fed to them by their handlers was truly an exercise in tedium and futility. Both routinely ignored questions and instead went into their “spiels.”

Sen. Reid looked ill-at-ease and dutifully did as his advisers insisted, addressing the host by his name, starting almost every answer with the word “Mitch” to make it seem more personal. Ms. Angle instead went straight for the kill shot, and didn’t garner any demerits.

What a shame that the two contenders for a seat in the Senate could not give straight answers to legitimate queries off the tops of their heads. You could just see them mentally dialing up the material they had practiced and spitting it out. One boilerplate response right after another.

If that is the best performance a senior politician can give against a lightweight such as Ms. Angle, it does not reflect well upon him or bode well for his chances. I’ll vote for Sen. Reid, not because I want his representation, but because he is the lesser of two evils.

Note to Sen. Reid: Either improve dramatically or start rehearsing your concession speech.

Buzz Daly


Trust Harry

To the editor:

Harry Reid shows compassion for the working class. We can trust this man. He has been there, done that.

Sharron Angle has lived a privileged life. She has no clue what it is like to struggle. She is an unknown with no compassion for the working class.

Justine Bach

Las Vegas

Special favors

To the editor:

In a letter to the editor on Friday, Ellen Hopkins praised Harry Reid for saving her house. She says she owed less than $3,000 in taxes and she called Sen. Reid and he “resolved” the problem. Huh?

How about just paying your taxes like the rest of us have to do? She got her own personal bailout. A special favor from Sen. Reid. This is what’s wrong with crony capitalism. Some pay and some get favors.

Democrats like Tim Geithner and Ellen Hopkins don’t mind raising taxes because they don’t pay them.

Mike Murphy


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