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Time for airport security officials to start profiling

To the editor:

The Transportation Security Administration should be renamed “The Stupid Authorities” because so many of its policies are flawed. The way to protect us from terrorists is to act on substance rather than “politically correct” policies implemented out of fear of offending a particular group or ethnic party.

It is a fact that we were attacked by a certain group of people. Profiling that group or any other group that is a credible threat or an enemy of our country should not be viewed as an outrage.

We were not attacked by little old ladies in wheelchairs or 3-year-old airline hijackers. The searching of every 16th person in line is ridiculous.

The TSA should act based on real-time information and the profile of one who is likely to attack our country.

Yes, profile the enemy. It is done every day by the FBI, military and others for law enforcement, security and even business reasons.

Yes, companies profile customers to increase sales. Profiles need to be used to prevent enemy attacks. Profiling should not be banned because of some perceived injustice hurting someone’s fragile psyche. Get over it.

If you are a member of an ethnic group that is an avowed enemy of our country, then do something about the enemy. Quit whining and do something positive.

No constitutional mandate or federal law will stop an enemy from attacking us — in fact, our U.S. Constitution is more often used against us by our enemies.

Get over it and use some common sense. Implementing more stupid policies and procedures will not make flying any safer.

William Dainty


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