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The issue isn’t about gender, skin color

To the editor:

In response to your Friday article, “GOP legislators look old, white, male,” by reporter Ed Vogel:

Why on earth did you publish this ridiculous piece? This is the most racist article I could imagine – it targets age, gender and skin color.

Here’s the truth: What is good for Nevada should be good for all of us regardless of the age, gender or skin color.

We need jobs and guess what? It’s very probable that these legislators were elected because the voters believed they might be able to spur job growth in this state and get us out of our economic mess. Nothing else really matters right now.

We need clear- and logical-thinking business people. So, sorry if the liberals are offended that we didn’t get more “diversity.” But all over this nation the people picked the GOP because we believed that it is the only party that will be able to help not only Nevada, but our country, recover from the destruction of the current administration.

And if it’s so important to you about the race, gender, etc. I think you will find that Hispanics, blacks, women and younger folks were elected under the GOP banner in other states.

Michelle Duncan

Las Vegas

Blowed up

To the editor:

Has anyone bothered to ask why, if the Transportation Security Administration searches are so necessary to ferret out potential bomb-carrying suspects, they are not done in a secure bomb-proof room by trained bomb-disposal experts wearing protective clothing?

If a “bomb” detonates during the types of searches currently being carried out at U.S. airports would there not be catastrophic loss of life anyway? Who is kidding whom here?

Jeff Davis

Las Vegas

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