Wild horses part of the beauty of Cold Creek
February 3, 2011 - 2:05 am
To the editor:
In response to the Jan. 27 letter, “Horse problem”:
My wife and I have lived full time in Cold Creek for the past 13 years, and we still do. I think I can correctly speak for most of my neighbors that there is no overpopulation of horses here in Cold Creek. May I also add, these horses are not destroying our wilderness. If there is any blame to be cast about destroying our desert beauty, let’s look at the ATVs and dirt bikes that tear up our desert trails every weekend.
We love our horses. They are a part of our history and our heritage. They belong here.
They do go on the roadway that stretches from U.S. Highway 95 to Cold Creek. This road has a 45 mph speed limit. If you obey that speed limit and keep alert, there is no real problem.
We knew long before we moved to Cold Creek we would be surrounded by wildlife. This is the beauty of Cold Creek. Visitors coming to Cold Creek should drive carefully and be aware of the wildlife around them. If you’re driving to Cold Creek and see horses along the road, pull completely off, stop and enjoy their beauty. They are your horses also. You may grow to love and respect them as we do.
Our horses are our heritage, not our liability.
Carlo Gagliardo Jr.
Las Vegas
Wrong turn
To the editor:
Yikes! Imagine my shock upon opening up the Sunday Review-Journal and seeing the unrepentant liberal Steve Sebelius smiling back at me. What is this cheerleader for the Obama administration doing in my nice conservative newspaper?
Maybe he became confused and took a wrong turn on the way to the Las Vegas Sun building. If so, his friend, Jon Ralston, can show him how to get there.
Demeaning article
To the editor:
In response to the Saturday article by Alan Choate, “Las Vegas mayoral candidate targets brother’s alleged killer, illegal immigrants”:
This article details the content of an e-mail written by Las Vegas mayoral candidate Anthony Wernike, in which, without solid evidence, he declares that the person who shot his brother on Jan. 20 was a Mexican national whose migratory status was irregular and who fled to Mexico to escape after killing Edward Wernike.
The passing of Mr. Wernike’s brother is extremely regretful and we sincerely express our condolences. Nevertheless, the discriminatory, offensive and menacing remarks toward Mexicans made by Mr. Wernike, and published by your newspaper, cannot be ignored.
Therefore, we strongly condemn the insults contained in the article, and sincerely regret your lack of sensibility in publishing such diminishing and groundless remarks, which we deem inconsistent with what we had perceived as a new editorial line by the Review-Journal.
Also, since Mr. Wernike has expressed his intention to send a bounty hunter team to Mexico, and such activity is illegal in Mexican territory, it is of extremely grave concern to this Consular Office the possible international legal implications of such remarks.
We regret the hideous generalizations made toward the Mexican community in Las Vegas by Mr. Wernike, and also regret such a respected newspaper as the Review-Journal dignifies insults that breach freedom of speech by disseminating hate.
It is also in our interest that if Mr. Wernike has information which could prove his presumption about the nationality and migratory status, and of the possible entry into Mexican territory of the person who shot his brother, that he contacts this office, or the Mexican Embassy in Washington, D.C.
This would be in order for him to receive proper information on the existing channels to contact the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City for him to receive assistance in commencing the corresponding international legal procedure for this case.
Mariano Lemus Gas
Las Vegas
The writer is consul of Mexico.
Dangerous idea
To the editor:
On the subject of drug testing applicants for unemployment or welfare benefits:
Letter writer Michael Sayward suggests that we should allow the state to suspend a citizen’s benefits until it has searched without warrant inside the citizen’s body for evidence of a crime that may or may not have been committed and for which no charges have been filed. Then millions of state dollars could be redirected to “worthy recipients.”
This kind of thinking is much scarier than drug abuse.
How many constitutional rights and freedoms is Mr. Sayward willing to cede, and who gets to decide whether or not a person is worthy of the protections of law?
Tax us now
To the editor:
The governor is painting himself into a corner with his no-taxes pledge. But we should institute a state income tax to cover the budget shortfall so that no cuts are necessary.
Back in the 1980s, the Reagan administration cut the top income tax rate from 70 percent to 35 percent, and we began our national decline. We have millionaires and billionaires, but we also have poverty, millions of homeless, a poor education system, a rotting infrastructure and bankrupt cities and states.
If we continue to believe that lower taxes are good for America, we will continue to decline.