Those who invest, innovate, being milked dry
January 16, 2011 - 12:00 am
To the editor:
Politicians are giving a lot of lip service and taking up a lot of air time talking about our economy — or the lack of it. As well they should, since they are the cause of our economic and unemployment problems.
I consider myself at least potentially a small business person, although I haven’t invested, myself, in at least 30 years. Every once in awhile, I think of an innovative form of self-employment and spend a good amount of time applying the idea to reality. But soon a cold chill grips me as I realize that my idea would make me nothing but a milk cow to the cold greed and control of an uninvested government. I’m sure that this fear of innovation is the single biggest stumbling block toward a healthy and sustainable economy.
As citizens of a free country, we should remember a simple fact: We cannot have a huge government and a huge private economy. One cannot support the other because one of them is totally nonproductive.
Politicians — state, local and federal — should give serious thought to a new and simple noninvasive and nonpredatory tax plan and, as good statesmen, quit their destructive expansion and reckless spending.
‘We just file it’
To the editor:
I truly am glad to see we have a mature, responsible senator representing Nevada. I am, of course, referring to our own Democratic Sen. Harry Reid, who always professes it’s the Republican Party that is uncooperative. But now with the GOP controlling the House, Sen. Reid says, “They’re going to send us stuff, they’re going to bundle it up and send it over here by the truckload. We just file it. We’re going to do nothing with most of it.”
That shows the kind of leadership that makes people really proud of their elected senator — showing great maturity and the ability to work with the opposing party to end bickering and do what is best for the country.
Good going, Sen. Reid.
Betrayed his party
To the editor:
I’m puzzled by your Jan. 7 Jim Day editorial cartoon about state Sen. Bill Raggio “retiring because of ‘mobility’ problems,” with the punch line: “Yup — last November his party cut him off at the knees.”
So we’re supposed to forget that Sen. Raggio, a Republican, betrayed his party and cashed in his honor, honesty and integrity when he endorsed Democrat Harry Reid?
Sen. Raggio received Republican Party contributions, volunteer support and votes. Sen. Raggio’s “accomplishments” were made possible because of his alliances with other Republican politicians, including a string of Republican governors who gave him access. He stabbed everyone in the back by strolling up kickback mountain hand-in-hand with Sen. Reid.
Nobody cut off Sen. Raggio at the knees; he got a slap on the wrist for his treachery, and he’s not man enough to stick around and take it.
Columnists criticized
To the editor:
Concerning the Jan. 8 letter to the editor from Barry S. Goold, “Inferior product”:
Wow. Did you guys at the Review-Journal raise Mr. Goold’s testosterone level, or what? I mean, do you really sit around in a back room and think up ways to irritate your readers? A humorous letter in one sense, but sad in another.
Sad in that Mr. Goold’s comments do represent a portion of our American society, including many in our media, who cannot offer respectful dissent to another’s position without a personal attack and without letting facts stand in the way.
I do not agree with Mr. Goold’s comments, but I certainly respect his right to give them. I also respect the Review-Journal for printing them.