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McCarran doesn’t need federal pork dollars

To the editor:

More than 500,000 flights per year paying hundreds of dollars each in fees. Thousands of cars paying $8 to $15 each to park daily. Thousands of taxis daily paying $1.80 with every departure.

Shuttle vans and buses paying even more with each departure from zero level. Lucrative lease income from shops and restaurants.

But Sen. Harry Reid sneaks up and gets the American taxpayer to fund $99 million for a new tower at McCarran International Airport?

He should not be praised, he should be recalled. I don’t yet know the contractor who will get the job, but if paving is part of the project I think I know who will get that piece of the job.

David Lyons

Las Vegas

Jail time

To the editor:

Kudos and a tremendous thank you to District Court Judge Douglas Herndon for giving the correct sentence to Stanley Rimer (“Dad of dead tot berated by judge,” Wednesday Review-Journal). His speech to Rimer was dead-on and Judge Herndon deserves to be recognized for doing what was right, not what was politically correct.

Rimer was not a father and Jason had to pay with his life because this man, as shown by the testimony, did nothing for his children except donate the sperm. If there was ever a case for involuntary sterilization, this was it.

If I lived in Las Vegas you can bet I’d be out volunteering for Judge Herndon’s re-election campaign because he proved he was worthy of the position.

Kathleen M. Stone


Cheap eats

To the editor:

I read the Wednesday article feature experts’ advice about shopping on what used to be called food stamps. I take exception to one of their ideas and would like to expand on the others.

I don’t think the experts have ever lived on a limited food budget for an extended period of time or they would realize that these numbers do not lend themselves to buying in bulk. I have been there and I recommend planning your meals from the fliers that come weekly to utilize sale items, and buying only what you need.

Then, cook from scratch, utilize dollar stores and learn fast that frozen is better and most often least expensive. If you need to learn to cook cheaply and nutritiously, your local library has books that can help you.

Joanne Quarz

Las Vegas

Save some

To the editor:

I have a message for the liberal, tax-and-spend crowd in Carson City. My wife and I donated blood for many years. They never took more than one pint from us at one time. This assured our ability to return later to donate more.



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It is incomprehensible how so many people in this country are gullible to the lies, threats and demeaning accusations that spew from his mouth.

LETTER: Helping voters navigate the election

Even though I may not always agree with the RJ, please continue your in-depth analysis of the world and our wonderful city.

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Your description of Kamala Harris’ rise from the most unpopular vice president to “an amalgamation of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Mahatma Gandhi” was perfect.

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RJ’s endorsement of Trump mentioned nothing about his character.

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Now California will be voting to raise the minimum wage to $18 for most employees. And once again, the people in favor of this don’t think it’ll have any negative affect.

LETTER: The misleading ads on Question 3

The excellent Sept. 21 commentary on the misleading Yes on Question 3 commercials is being swamped by the volume of these commercials. Is legal action possible?