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If Tea Partiers are terrorists, Democrats are pedophiles

To the editor:

So Diane Kremser, from her Sunday letter, believes that those who think it is bad policy to borrow more money to make your minimum debt payments are enemies of the state. She then brands Tea Partiers as terrorists.

Well, turn-about is fair play.

The Democratic Party, in order to protect public-sector unions and political allies from the effects of this recession, has decided it is good policy to request a higher debt limit on the credit card and run up catastrophic debt on future generations —  screwing our youth out of any chance at prosperity. She calls Tea Partiers terrorists? Well, then, I dub Democrats with the recently coined term, “Political Pedophiles.” I don’t know how they go home and look their own children and grandchildren in the eyes.

It will not be long before young Americans come to understand what has happened – and they will not so easily be mislead into Democrats’ kind of “change we can believe in.” In fact, I think they will use their boundless energy to ensure that they are not cast into economic slavery and take any measures necessary to correct the situation.

As for branding Tea Party followers terrorists, I have a challenge for Ms. Kremser: Find me one highly placed Tea Party person who has sat down and broke bread with a convicted domestic terrorist such as our president’s associate, Bill Ayers. There you go projecting again.

Richard Vertrees

Las Vegas

Family matters

To the editor:

In response to John L. Smith’s Friday column, which seems to call into question the integrity of Rebecca Wagner, wife of North Las Vegas City Councilman Wade Wagner:

I am a resident of Ward 4 in North Las Vegas and consider myself a friend of both Wade Wagner and Richard Cherchio. I sat quietly, shaking my head, at the verbal bombardment between the two which took place during the Ward 4 council race. I attempted to play the part of Switzerland and stay neutral as I saw my friends take sides in a race in which, literally, every vote counted.

I have kept quiet as the candidates, the City Council, the courts and now journalists participate in what I consider to be a post-election assault on the rights of the voters. I was able to maintain my silence all the way up until Mr. Smith stepped over the line and widened the conflict to include the family of Mr. Wagner.

Mr. Smith states that he is personally “intrigued” by “the faulty voter registration” of a young man by the name of Greg Mich’l. Additionally, Mr. Smith pointed out that the new voter was registered via an application provided by Wade Wagner’s wife, Rebecca. I can think of no other reason why Mr. Smith would consider this fact worthy of print except that he suspected some impropriety in the action. He gives no evidence to support his insinuation. Mr. Smith certainly cannot be arguing that it is improper to distribute voter registration applications and encourage people to vote.

I have known Rebecca Wagner since we were both students at Rancho High School in the mid-1980s. I have watched her face life with dignity and faith and know her to be an honorable woman of the highest reputation. She did not put her name down to run for political office and she, and her family, should not be made collateral damage in the aftermath of the Ward 4 race.

I stand firm with Mr. Wagner that his family — and the family of Richard Cherchio — are off limits.



Public vs. private

To the editor:

As someone who has paid into Social Security for 47 years, only to hear that it’s broke, I couldn’t help but notice the report on the record returns being realized by the Public Employee Retirement System. In the same section, a headline reported that a firefighter fired for sick leave abuse received $70,000 in accrued benefits and a $75,000 annual pension after just 24 years of service.

Will the next civil war in this country be between the public and private employees?

David Lyons

Las Vegas

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