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Occupy Wall Street crowd’s challenge: What’s next?

To the editor:

I always knew that it was just a matter of time before people started protesting in the streets. Times are tough, and street action has always been an outlet for citizen anger.

Wall Streeters today have the country’s attention and sympathetic allies around the world. But I would suggest they now start thinking ahead to what’s next, because their 15 minutes won’t last.

Rep. Eric Cantor says he’s “increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying Wall Street and the other cities across the country.” GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain says to cut out the “class warfare” and “blame yourself.” And, many cities have, in fact, started to dismantle the protesters’ tent cities.

Yes, it also has to end. I predict by the holidays. That’s the “what’s next.” Now’s the time to start considering what works.

The “mobs” and “blame yourself” statements should make it clear to Occupy Wall Streeters that some in the political establishment do not agree with you. That’s an important revelation because any change will come from that same political community that shows you such contempt.

When the Occupy Wall Streeters pack up and go home, they should immediately start studying the Tea Party movement — not to find common ground or because they admire them — but rather to understand how successful politics in 2011 works. And, candidly, on that issue there’s much to learn.

Remember that the Tea Party also took to the streets. But they didn’t stop there. What they did next was organize, register and influence.

Elections are about a year away. If Occupy Wall Streeters are to remain relevant they’ll need to maintain the same level of enthusiasm that encouraged them to sleep in the park in such large numbers. And then do more.

They must register to vote. Then study the issues and candidates. Then actually turn out on Election Day.

These are the real keys to the kingdom and are the only things that will actually make a difference.

Occupy Wall Streeters have the world’s attention. Now they have to work to keep it.

Drake Collier

Las Vegas

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