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Where’s Harry on recess appointments?

To the editor:

It seems President Barack Obama had a problem getting the Senate to confirm his chosen head for a new federal agency. Senate Republicans objected to the fact that the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has vast authority over the nation’s financial matters with no accountability. Senate Republicans blocked the confirmation to keep the bureau from opening its doors until some accountability measures could be implemented.

So the president decided to bypass the confirmation process and make a recess appointment.

Just one problem: Technically, the Senate was still in session. Using a clever tactic devised by our very own Sen. Harry Reid during the Bush administration, the Senate was holding pro-forma sessions every three days over the holidays to avoid being in recess. It was Sen. Reid’s way of protecting Senate power by pre-empting any plans by President Bush to make recess appointments.

Thank goodness Sen. Reid is still in office. We can be certain that he will again act to preserve Senate power in the face of an over-reaching president.

Right, Sen. Reid?

Sen. Reid?

Robert R. Kessler

Las Vegas

Meddling politician

To the editor:

So what poor animal is next on County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani’s hit list?

After attacking hungry birds and starving canines, will she target the poor defenseless rodent? Will I be required to get my hamster licensed and microchipped?

It doesn’t require anyone with an IQ higher than a house plant to figure out that we have bigger problems facing our community than birds in our back yards and dogs on our public sidewalks. Maybe we should start feeding Ms. Giunchigliani and the rest of the commissioners the same fertilizer they are feeding us. Then, maybe, they’ll figure out what is really important — like leaving us alone.

We already have cellphone checkpoints, and soon we’ll see pigeon patrols and doggie dragnets. Next comes the rodent roadblock, and then, maybe, we will finally wake up to the fact that all of our liberties and constitutional rights are forever gone.

Bill Edwards

Las Vegas

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