A simple contest would be a lot cheaper
June 17, 2012 - 1:07 am
To the editor:
In response to Steve Sebelius’ Friday column, “Too bad ‘Battle Born’ was already taken,” about the state Tourism Commission paying an agency to come up with a catch-phrase to promote tourism:
Instead of spending $250,000 to hire an ad agency, why not have a contest for the public to enter with a $5,000 prize? That’s a big savings.
Rochelle Carroll
Las Vegas
Union label
To the editor:
All you union bashers make me laugh. Did you ever think beyond your tunnel vision why unions came into existence?
Years ago, my father worked for a nonunion corporation, and he was required to go into work a half-day on Saturdays for no pay. When surrounding companies went union, his company stopped the Saturday practice. After that he was paid if he worked on a weekend.
My wife worked for a union utility company. She worked in their transportation department as a clerk overseeing all their vehicles. Every morning her desk was covered with black soot from the night shift. A very unhealthy environment. The company would not rectify the situation. She and her fellow union workers complained to the union officials. The union officials brought in OSHA. Within a few months she and her fellow union workers were in a much cleaner environment.
Hard-working men died to end corporate slavery – which involved even children. The communist dictatorship in China is a prime example of slave labor. We are heading full speed in that country’s direction.
John Tominsky
Las Vegas
Groping officer
To the editor:
In response to the Thursday story, “Officer in coercion case quits”:
While granting the officer involved went over the line in “frisking” female drivers, how is his “up close and personal” search different from the routine of blue-gloved TSA agents at airports? The freedom from search and seizure has been suspended for people intending passage on airlines.
As nearly as I can tell, the TSA hasn’t detected anyone concealing anything of seriously dangerous consequence in this nation’s airports. The so-called shoe and underwear bombers boarded at foreign airports, so they are not TSA successes.
The argument might be made that their presence dissuades attempts, but the truth is that the vast majority of people use the airlines to get from place to place. Few, if any, are boarding to make an ideological statement by endangering the aircraft and its passengers.
The Metro officer, on the other hand, appears to have been pushing the envelope while under the color of official right – there was no ideology involved. I spent 26 years in law enforcement. Cops, especially young cops, don’t have to go to this much bother to meet girls.
Vernon Clayson
Las Vegas
Obama dictate
To the editor:
I believe that illegal immigrants should have a path to citizenship, but the policy announced Friday by the president that allows work permits for a certain group circumvents the legislative process, existing law and the U.S. Constitution.
This is just another example of the Obama administration’s disregard for the rules of our government. The president continues to dictate rather than execute his oath of office.
Don Davis
Las Vegas
Loose lips
To the editor:
Eric Holder has shown himself to be the most partisan, biased and politically driven attorney general in U.S. history.
He has refused to cooperate in congressional investigations and may be cited for contempt of Congress this week. He picks and chooses which laws he will or won’t enforce.
He has appointed two U.S. attorneys to investigate White House leaks that have compromised top-secret operations around the world, putting American lives at risk.
It’s time to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate White House criminal activity and prosecute those guilty of high crimes and treason – whoever they might be.
Meanwhile, it is time Eric Holder was held accountable for his abysmal performance as U.S. attorney general.
Skip Blough
North Las Vegas