Politicians pander to NRA, ignore people
April 21, 2013 - 1:05 am
To the editor:
Some of our elected politicians are hiding behind about 10 percent of the American people who appear to fighting against sensible gun control laws. These politicians say this is their base, and they have no choice but to listen to their demands. This is the biggest fabrication ever spouted out of the mouth of any politician. Most folks don’t realize the stench they would create with their idiotic rhetoric. These politicos only care about themselves and the money that the National Rifle Association will contribute to their next campaign.
Most Americans want serious background checks for all gun purchases. Maybe the senators who recently cast a no vote against this measure must realize that a good portion of the 90 percent who favor it are part of their voting bloc. Do you voters understand the point I’m making? They’re pure wimps and they don’t deserve anyone’s vote. Caring folks realize that the senseless deaths attributed to guns won’t stop immediately if strict gun control laws are passed, but two to three years down the road, it’ll most certainly have a great impact.
No matter how the NRA tries to twist proven statistics, countries like the United Kingdom that have strict gun control laws have minimal gun-related deaths. In our states, we have more gun-related deaths in a week than the UK has in a year. We must protect our government from being overtaken by the NRA lobbyists.