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Are Obama supporters really surprised?

To the editor:

Hey, c’mon everybody, quit lashing out at President Barack Obama. So there’s a Benghazi scandal, an IRS scandal, an AP scandal, a State Department scandal, a Department of Justice scandal and a scandal on all the scandals. Leave the guy alone.

Remember, it’s just a big sideshow. After all, he’s investigating everything, so we should all just relax and calm down our pique. You know, it takes time to do that. I’d say probably another three or 3½ years.

What’s that? He’ll be out of office then? Oh, bummer. C’mon everybody, what did you expect when you put him back into office? An honest, bipartisan, untainted and wide open administration?

He’s cut from the same cloth as the same Chicago machine wise guys who taught him. You expected something different?




To the editor:

Although the Obama administration has steered the media completely away from the disastrous Fast and Furious Mexican gun-running operation and now considers that scandal completely stonewalled, it has successfully guided the compliant media to the IRS’s violations of the First Amendment rights of conservative nonprofit organizations.

While local newspapers and TV were hastily copying what The Associated Press, with White House approval, was feeding them, Barack Obama’s Justice Department was busy trampling on the freedom of the press by logging all the phone calls of Associated Press reporters.

Are any of you Obama supporters beginning to see what the rest of us saw before the election?



Obama’s had it

To the editor:

You ran two great letters Wednesday from Bob Jack (“Outrageous Benghazi blunders, cover-up”) and David A. Meckley (“Buried Benghazi”).

All the lies are coming out about this corrupt administration and its leader. President Barack Obama has tried very hard to make this country for Obama, by Obama and government of Obama. At this time, he has overdone his deception, lies, and corrupt way of running our country and should pay by being dismissed. I don’t like to use the word “impeach,” because it causes all liberals to throw up.

This newspaper doesn’t like discrediting Mr. Obama and telling news as it is.

To Mr. Jack and Mr. Meckley: Good work. Keep making the liberals sick.



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