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LETTER: Left-wing judges block Trump

In a temporary move, a federal judge orders terrorist gang members flown back to America. Donald Trump is trying to make America safe again and is being stonewalled by left-wing judges and Democrat groups. Illegal criminals should have no rights. They violated our laws by entering our country and continued to commit crimes. Many Americans feel as soon as Mr. Trump does anything that puts America first, the swamp attempts to put the rights of illegal criminals first.

The funny thing is, they do nothing for Americans who served their time and are denied employment because of a criminal record. Illegals get hired without background checks because the countries they come from don’t share information.

If Congress put our rights first, America could see the golden age that President Trump envisions.

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LETTER: A tale of two headlines

Your March 19 front page encapsulates the sad state of affairs in this country.

LETTER: Justin Jones: The $80 million taxpayer albatross

Southern Nevadans have some real “winners” among our elected officials. The City Council in the Badlands case cost us $626 million and Mr. Jones could well be said to singlehandedly have cost us the $80 million.

LETTER: Don’t kill the Department of Education

This will perpetuate the growing economic and educational divide in our country, which will further our demise toward a Third World banana republic of haves and have-nots. I shudder for our nation’s future.

LETTER: Prosecute the Tesla vandals

Perhaps when and if they catch these wanna-be terrorists, they should be jailed.

LETTER: Trump the dictator

Why do we even need a Congress anymore?